Thursday, October 10, 2013

Slumber Party 2.0

Zahara Pruitt
A good old-fashioned slumber party! A rite of passage for any girl, with most females being to more than a few by the time they reach their college years. Everyone needs a night spent hanging out with just the girls every once in a while. Doing each other’s nails, eating junk food, and dancing to popular music are all ingredients needed in having a night to remember, but what is required for a slumber party 2.0?
Paricia Benson answered this question when throwing the first ever Little Sister, Big Sister Slumber Party as a fundraiser for her upcoming participation in the Blackburn Spencer Pageant. Taking place at the Alpha Phi Alpha Inc. fraternity house this past Saturday, October 5th, a mixture of excited black female underclassmen and upperclassmen met at the house for a truly memorable night. With festivities beginning around 9pm, the ladies were able to mingle with one another and make new friendships while also discussing important topics impacting the lives of modern day female African American Ohio University students.
Seniors Kelle Perez and Tata Artino headed a panel of upperclassmen that gave helpful advice to eager freshman ears. The topics ranged from playful to serious, including everything from guy advice to helpful study habits to encountering racism on campus.
This sleepover was beneficial in a variety of ways. Knowing only a few people there when I arrived, I left with many more numbers in my cellphone and friendships in my heart. It was truly refreshing to hear such valuable advice from upperclassmen that you knew were keeping it completely real with you. By the end of the night many of the upperclassmen exclaimed that they wished something like this had been thrown their freshman year and I can definitely understand why.

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