Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Welcome Back!

Jasmine-Renee Riley 

On behalf of the executive board of the Ohio University of Black Journalists and the editors of The Flow, we would like to welcome all the students of Ohio University back to campus. If you will, allow us the opportunity to give you all a few tips on what you should have for a successful semester.

1. The Planner
You should consider investing in an academic planner where all of your assignments, current events, and important dates are in one place that is easily accessible.

2. Index cards and index file folder
Also think about obtaining index cards along with an index card file folder that can separate your index cards by class. This will help keep you organized by keeping the index cards in one place, keeping them from being bent, and damaged throughout the semester.

3. Print out your syllabi
Make sure you print out all your syllabi and file them in the binder/folder designated for that class. This will help you remember any upcoming exams or assignments as well as, keep you informed on how much an assignment is worth

4. Retain past notes
A nice thing to do would be keep all your past notes from all your classes in one big 3 inch binder to refer from as you continue your college career.

5. Highlighters
Make sure you have fresh highlighters that are still useable. You will need them when you least expected.

6. AP Style book
Make it and effort to go out and purchase the AP Style book. This is a journalist’s bible wherever you are. You can download it to your phone, laptop, or even obtain a physical copy. Whatever you do… YOU NEED IT!

7. Coffee mug
When you add it up, you save a lot of money by just already having one with you. Not only do you save money, but your saving the earth we live on. This is an easy way to recycle and save money for most important things like parties or chipotle. 

8. Jersey for the Fest season
The most important rule as an Ohio University student, get a jersey for the fest we all know you’re going to. The fest season in Athens is one of the biggest events we have in Athens. Its where we get most of our historical title of being #1 in more than academics… letting our hair done in a party. Wearing your Ohio University jersey to the feast shows that we are all part of a team trying to better the cause of keeping our reputation.

In conclusion, we hope you take our tips in consideration and implement them in your studying and your overall Ohio University student wellbeing. We pray that you all have a successful and prospering semester.

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