Wednesday, September 11, 2013

144 Months

It has been 12 years since our great country was affected by the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. In the last 144 months we have all been impacted by the act of terror from extra security checks at airports, to loss of our loved ones either in the attack or the revenge our country took upon themselves to find. In the last 626.129 weeks, children have had to grow up without their parents, siblings, and friends. In the last 105,189.753 hours spouses have had to send their significant others off to fight in a war that has been told to Americans countless times that it will end by the year …who cares. Anyone who even looks Middle Eastern has gone through 6,311,385.19 minutes of getting stared at while being anywhere. Middle Eastern people are treated like “human bombs” ready to kill all of us when really they just want a better life for their family like all Americans. After 378,683,112 seconds, I face waking up and not seeing my best friend anymore because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 6,311,385.19 minutes that we could have been playing or texting. 105,189.753 hours we could have had in phone calls. 626.129 weeks we could have spent flying out to see each other. 144 months he could have spent playing football. 12 years wiped away from an 8 year olds life. I wish you had gone to school that day instead of in town with your dad, but you didn’t. I realize now that everything happens for a reason.

I love you and always will.

Dedicated to Taylor-Joseph Michael Grennings 

By: Jasmine Riley

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