Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ask Flow: Week One

Welcome to Ask Flow, Ohio University’s online advice column. I’m Flow and I want to thank everyone for asking questions for the September 14-20th week! I’m so excited to answer these questions based on my experience as a human being and a student at the greatest university in Ohio. So, here you go.

Q: How do I become a leader on campus?

A: To be a leader you must first become a follower. Join organizations that are affiliated with your interests. While there, provide input, volunteer, and ALWAYS STICK TO YOUR WORD. Watch other leaders and take note of what you like and don’t like in their leadership and apply it to yourself. When it’s time for elections, don’t be afraid to run for the position that suits you best no matter what year in school you are. Leaders take risk and make themselves known. But most importantly, be yourself and do you boo!

 Q: I really want to become an outgoing person but I’m not sure how?

A: Having an outgoing personality is something that just comes natural to certain people. And those are the people who are blessed by the Holy Trinity. I know what you mean about wanting to become an outgoing person especially when you’re typically reserved. But, to step out of your shell, maybe you should engage people in conversation about themselves to get to know them as people and find things you have in common. Smile or say hi to people as your walking past them. Acknowledging someones presence can go a long way. Don’t be so selfish that you can’t compliment someone else. If you see edges that are on fleek, let them know, if you see some waves on swim, don’t hate on him, compliment him! These things will help you be known as the nice girl or guy on campus and help people be more open to you. You will also become more outgoing and comfortable talking to people.

Q: My boyfriend cheated on me with 5 different people… should I stay with him?

A: I’m so sorry to hear that you have to experience this. I know this can be a very depressing time for you and you’re probably questioning a lot of things right now. But, let me be the first to tell you to drop this man like a hot potato. He clearly doesn’t value you as his partner. Since you said he cheated, I know you guys aren’t in some sort of polygamist relationship. So it comes a time in your life where you have to start to value and love yourself. Once you start to realize that you deserve to be loved, you wont settle for anything less than what you want. You will start to attract guys who not only value you, but also guys who you have a lot of things in common with. But it starts with the man in the mirror. Remember, God created you in his image and he makes no mistakes. Love yourself or nobody will.


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